This monograph is an insider’s perspective on the informational media industry. With over thirty-five years of experience, award-winning filmmaker S. Martin Shelton presents his astute views on the state of the profession and offers sage, constructive advice for the successful design and production of information motion-media.
This monograph is the winner in two categoraies of the Society for Technical Communication - 2004-2005 Southern California Spotlight Competition:
• Best of Show
• Distinguished Technical Communication Award in the Book category
513 pages
Paperback format: 9 x 6 inches
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Texas Residents: Order a paperback copy through PayPal by clicking "Buy Now." Price: $32.00, including sales tax and shipping.
20 pages.
In this monograph, Shelton explains the basic mathematical formulas that deal with photographic optics. He discusses the basic concepts of light. He displays the optical formulae in large, bright colors and discusses how to use them. Shelton solves sample problems and then tasks the reader to solve a problem dealing with that formula. He uses color illustrations to show the various optical concepts on which these formulas apply, such as f-number and aperture, depth-of-field, hyperfocal distance, circle of confusion, and achromatic lenses.
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Texas residents order a copy from the author through PayPal by clicking "Buy Now". Price: $14.07, including a sales tax of 8.25%.
66 pages
There is no reality in film. There is only the audience's perception of reality. And, it is the audience's perception of reality in film that engenders empathy and thus acceptance—that point at which the audience willingly suspends disbelief in the false reality on the screen and joins the filmmaker in the scenario. However, without audience empathy and acceptance, except for certain types of films, most films will probably fail—no matter how expertly produced or what the goal of the film is: to turn a profit or motivate the audience. That is, the audience's feeling or sense of reality is the foundation of the effectiveness of a film. Shelton's monograph discusses his perception of reality in the five film genera that he has defined as information, documentary, narrative, enrichment, and experimental. He has drawn the scope of these genera on his developed Film Reality Scale and has plotted representative films on this scale
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Non-Texas residents order a copy from the author through PayPal by clicking "Buy Now". Price: $13.00.
Texas residents order a copy from the author through PayPal by clicking "Buy Now". Price: $14.07, including a sales tax of 8.25%.