1917 - Empress Alexandria understands that the Bolsheviks will soon topple the Czar. She charges her godson, Kirik Pirogov, to carry the imperial crown of Catherine the Great and a cache of Romanov jewelry to a secret Czarist refuge in western China. Alexandra informs her youngest daughter, Grand Duchess Anastasia, of the escape route necessary to carry on the Romanov Dynasty.
Kirik and Anastasia make perilous journeys across Siberia via the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Their story is told against the background of revolution, their hardscrabble life in the Russian village, constant fear of the Soviet secret police, and unscrupulous treasure-hunters.
513 pages
Paperback format: 9 x 6 inches
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Texas Residents: Order a paperback copy through PayPal by clicking "Buy Now." Price: $32.00, including sales tax and shipping.